So Much More than Just an Association
We invite you and your institution to join a dedicated group of professionals who think big, take on industry challenges, strive for excellence and serve as leaders in the field.
The Benefits of Membership
Annual Conference
Advanced notice of and discounted registration price to the annual conference that includes panel discussions, presentations, workshops, and the opportunity to connect with professionals from around the country. Usually held during the first week of June, the conference is held in a different region of the country each year on a rotating basis.
The Welcomer Newsletter
CIVSA’s newsletter The Welcomer will be e-mailed to you once each quarter. Full of tips, strategies, and advice, the newsletter also usually contains customer service ideas and notes from conference sessions. Recent articles have included topics such as emerging technology and new NCAA recruiting regulations that affect visitor centers. Many issues also include the profile of a campus visitor/information center or a CIVSA member.
Student Development Institute
Advanced notice of registration for the annual student conference that includes panel discussions, presentations, workshops, and the opportunity to connect with others from around the country. Usually held during the second week of January, the conference is held in a different region of the country each year on a rotating basis.
Regional Events
At least one event is held per region each year. Regional events are one-day events for members (and sometimes student employees as well) that can include a campus tour, bus tour, small-group discussions, and lunch. Typically there is no cost for regional event registration, to hopefully aid those for whom cost and/or distance prohibit attendance at the annual conference or Student Development Institute.
Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program connects newer members with veteran campus visit professionals to provide support throughout the year. Mentorship pairs will be based on job responsibilities as well as institution and geographic similarities.
Discussion Forum
The ability to subscribe to our Discourse group that provides an immediate forum for questions and advice from CIVSA colleagues.
Membership Database
Access to an up-to-date on-line searchable database of current CIVSA members. Members can communicate with their colleagues in nearby cities and across the country.
Links to Members’ Websites
Access to a list of links to publicly-accessible websites about the individual programs and services operated by our members. These links are helpful to anyone thinking about designing or redesigning a website about their program, and also provide some insight about how other schools are using the internet to help provide visitor and campus information services more effectively.
Job Postings
Access to an on-line listing of jobs for professional, support and student positions from member institutions across the country.
Voting Rights
Ability to vote during CIVSA business meeting. Also grants ability to hold an office on the CIVSA Executive Board or a committee.