As an active member of CIVSA, you have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for Annual Conference and/or the Student Development Institute. Please read the information about each scholarship opportunity carefully.

Annual Conference Scholarship


The Scholarship Committee shall be made up of the appointed Committee Chair and members who complete the Volunteer Interest Form and are placed onto the committee. All Scholarship Committee members will review applications to determine completion and eligibility of applicants.

Eligibility for Scholarships

CIVSA members in good standing shall be eligible to apply for Annual Conference Scholarships subject to the following: the member may not be currently serving on the CIVSA Board as an Executive Officer or Regional Director; the member may not be currently serving on the Scholarship Committee; the member may not have been awarded a CIVSA scholarship in the same or previous year.


Completed applications will be submitted to the CIVSA Scholarship Committee for initial review. The Scholarship Committee shall verify the completion of applications and eligibility of all applicants. After evaluation of applications, the Scholarship Committee shall submit to the Executive Board of CIVSA all verified applications for consideration and review. The Executive Board will determine the final scholarship award recipient(s).

Considerations for Awards

  • Current and future involvement in CIVSA
  • How the scholarship will benefit the member professionally
  • Student development impact
  • Professional accomplishments

Scholarship Award

CIVSA will award scholarship(s) in the amount of 1 member rate conference registration fee and up to 4 nights of hotel accommodation at the conference hotel to selected CIVSA member(s). If a chosen member has already registered and paid for their conference registration, the amount they paid will be refunded upon acceptance of their scholarship.


Application for the Annual Conference Scholarship(s) shall include the application form completed by the member at the link below and a letter of support from the member’s supervisor, emailed to Both components must be received by the deadline.

Application Opens: October 1, 2024
Application Deadline: January 12, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Scholarship Recipients Notified via Email: Late February 2025

Transferability of Scholarship Award(s)

Scholarships awarded for Annual Conference are awarded to an individual and, as such, are non-transferable. Scholarships are awarded only for the current year’s Annual Conference and cannot be deferred to any other CIVSA Annual Conference or event.

Student Development Institute Scholarship

The Scholarship Committee shall be made up of the appointed Committee Chair and members who complete the Volunteer Interest Form and are placed onto the committee. All Scholarship Committee members will review applications to determine completion and eligibility of applicants.

Eligibility for Scholarships

CIVSA member institutions in good standing shall be eligible to apply for Student Development Institute Scholarship(s) subject to the following: the member representing an institution may not be currently serving on the CIVSA Board as an Executive Officer or Regional Director; the member may not be currently serving on the Scholarship Committee; the institution may not have been awarded a CIVSA scholarship in the same or previous year. 

Application Process

Applications will be submitted by those members applying for scholarships to the CIVSA Scholarship Committee for initial review. The Scholarship Committee shall verify the completion of applications and eligibility of all applicants. After evaluation of applications, the Scholarship Committee shall submit to the Executive Board of CIVSA all verified applications for consideration and review. The Executive Board will determine the final scholarship award(s).

Applications shall include the following:

  • Application form completed by the advisor
  • Essay written by student(s) who will be attending SDI
  • Statement of institutional support for attending SDI from advisor’s supervisor

Considerations for Awards

  • Advisor
    • How will the scholarship benefit your institution’s Ambassador/tour guide program?
    • CIVSA involvement/plans to become involved?
    • Your role in student development at your institution
    • Professional accomplishments
    • Contributions to DEI initiatives at your institution
  • Student (can be submitted as a collaborative effort amongst students)
    • Student makeup of your tour guide program
    • How will this scholarship and attending this conference benefit each student’s professional development?
    • How will this scholarship and attending this conference help your program overall?
    • How is your program contributing to or learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on your campus?

Scholarship Award

CIVSA will award scholarship package(s) to individual institution(s) for the value of 2 registration fees (1 student + 1 advisor) and 2 conference hotel rooms for up to 3 nights at the conference hotel. The professional staff member from an applicant institution will be responsible for completing the scholarship application, institutional support letter, and selecting the student who will submit the supplemental essay.


The awarding timeline shall be as follows:

    • Application period: August 15 – October 11, 2024
    • Final Award Notifications: Early November 2024

Transferability of Scholarship Awards
Scholarships awarded for the Student Development Institute are awarded to the institution and, as such, are only transferable from one CIVSA member at that institution to another CIVSA member at that same institution. Scholarships cannot be deferred to any other CIVSA Student Development Institute or CIVSA event.


CIVSA offers a range of membership opportunities, depending on your individual or institutional needs. Learn more about which membership is right for you by visiting our Membership Types page.